Television is a means of communication that informs you of what is happening around the world. It is also a means of entertainment for people who cannot leave their homes. Television is good to make the family stay together while they watch a movie, a program, an informative, a serie…

Like everything, watching television has its good things and its bad things.
Good things: it entertains you, it informs you, you share time with your family, it relaxes you...
Bad things: if you abuse it can damage your eyesight, you can become antisocial because you don't communicate with anyone. You have content that is not suitable for children that can cause a bad influence...
With television you can have fun connecting the playstation, switch…

In my opinion the invention of television was important and especially now with Smart TV that help us see information from the internet, YouTube and among other things. Nowadays in each house there are usually two to three televisions.

Francisco José Prados Espinosa 4ºA


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