Cancer is a disease caused by abnormalities in the cells of the body. In general, a lot of people die of cancer if the person does not receive the appropriate treatment and on time. Many types of cancer are known, the most common are: lung, skin, breast, cone ...

When the cancer extends to various organs it is said that the person has metastasis, (difficult to cure).

There are benign and malignant tumors, the first are slow-growing and do not spread while the others are fast-growing, spread to other organs and cause death if it isn’t treated. 

People of all ages can suffer from cancer. Cancer is a disease that causes a high percentage of deaths.

Some actions to prevent many types of cancer are: not smoking, having a healthy weight, not consuming alcohol, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, few red and processed meats, getting vaccinated ...

Many scientists are investigating the cure for cancer. Let's hope to beat this disease one day.

Francisco José Prados Espinosa 3º A


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